Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly

Well...I guess I'll post my big announcement. Dave and I have decided it is time for me to stay home with Christian. So, next year I'm going to quit my job and stay home. I can't wait to try out the stay at home mom thing for a little while.

Now for the other, not nearly as exciting, news. Dave and I discovered we were pregnant a few weeks ago. However, I had a miscarriage last night. I'm doing ok, but still in some pain today. We are just trying to rest and take it easy for a couple days.

I guess my blog can't be all warm and fuzzy.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Umm...It's Been 2 Months...

So, what have I been up to the last couple of months, you ask? Check out my other blog to find out. Sorry I've been so terrible at updating. I'll try to be better (I say that every time!).

Keep checking back for a big announcement in the next couple of weeks. I'm pretty excited about it!