Thursday, November 1, 2007

My average day

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
5:30am: Christian is grunting in his crib. I better get up and make a bottle before he screams bloody murder and wakes up the whole neighborhood.
5:35am: I jump out of bed because Christian is screaming bloody murder.
5:37am: I change another dirty diaper while Christian smiles and coos at me.
5:39am: I feed Christian his bottle.
5:50am: I put Christian back to bed...he was too tired to eat his whole bottle.
5:51am: I fall back asleep.
6am: My alarm goes off...It's set to the oldies station because it is the only one that comes in clear. I quickly turn it off and go back to sleep.
7am: My second alarm goes off. I quickly turn it off and go back to sleep.
7:15am: I wake up in a panick realizing I only have 45 min to be out the door.
7:20am: I jump in the shower and get ready for work
7:45am: I wake Christian up, change his diaper, slather him with lotion, put on a clean outfit, feed him a bottle, put him in his bouncy seat while I pack his bag, let Jake out, start the car to warm up, put Christian in his carseat, load the car with everything but Christian, let Jake in, grab Christian and we're off.
8:05am: Sing to Christian at the stop light...he hates it when we stop.
8:15am: Arrive at sitters and explain all the details.
8:27am: Arrive at work
(this is my time to interact with the job I can do while asleep...and call the 14 coloring contest "winners" to let them know they have a prize..all the while pigging out on candy.)
6:13pm: Arrive at sitters to pick up Christian.
6:45pm: Arrive at home with a spoiled baby.
6:50pm: Change a diaper and feed Christian.
7:15pm: Play with Christian...snuggle...sing...etc.
8:30pm: Give Christian a fast bath...slather him with lotion...put on clean diaper and clean pjs all the while smiling and cooing at eachother.
9pm: put in a load of tv..put feet up
10pm: Feed Christian and put him down for the night.
10:35pm: Check email..switch loads of laundry..wash a few bottles...take out trash...realize I never ate dinner...oops!...
11:15pm: Go to bed!
Thursday, November, 1 2007
1:30am: Wake up to crying baby..change diaper..feed baby..put him back to bed.
1:55am: Back to bed.
5:23am: Wake up to crying baby...change diaper..feed baby..put him back to bed.
5:55am: Back to sleep.
6am...STUPID ALARM!! Grrr!

Yup..that's about you know why I don't have much to write about.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a busy life you lead. Hopefully when I go to visit he'll be sleeping a little more during the night. *knock on wood* I'm thinking, depending on the money situation, I'll try making it over there the week after I get home. That's the plan right now any way.
