Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm such a Snoop!

I’ve been inspired! I have been very nosy reading my cousins’s blogs and they do such a great job. I don’t post often enough and not much content. I realized that I LOVE seeing pictures of their children even when it seems like there are several that all look alike. I love watching little videos of their kids doing things like sticking their tongue out or blowing raspberries. I am truly interested in what they have to say and what is going on in their lives. Why wouldn’t people be interested in what I have to say and what is going on in my life? I don’t get to see a lot of people very often and reading a blog on occasion is sometimes the only way we can keep in touch. And I think it’s a great way to keep in touch and keep a record of family events and pictures. Our new blog is still under construction, but soon I will have it all figured out and I will be able to post things with ease. Or at least I hope! I hope to have something to write on a weekly basis if not more often. I don’t know how often anyone reads this, but it’s more for me anyway.

Check out our new blog under construction at
And if anyone knows how to use WordPress let me know....I'm not smart with computers, but I'm slowly catching on. We are still in the VERY early construction process on the new site...but we'll let you know when we transfer to the new blog. Until then keep looking for updates on blogger.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blogs Jeanne!! I love to hear how you are doing. I know what it feels like when others write more than you and what not. Anyway I am here for you!!
