Sunday, August 24, 2008

Falling Apart

We all have our ups and downs in life. So why am I always SO surprised when things don't always go the way I want them to? Why am I still trying to maintain that perfect control over the family and all we choose to do? Why don't I just roll with the punches with a graceful ease? I guess because I am human.

Life always throws things at you just so you don't get too comfortable. It seems lately that I've spent most of my time focusing on the bad and not enough on the good. Just the other day I was asking myself why the bad stuff always happens to me. What on earth can I do for a little break. Within seconds my thoughts turned to the day I found out I was finally going to have a baby. The day I got to see the heartbeat on the ultrasound. The day I found out I was having a boy. The day my little boy was born after trying for 3 years to get him here. Then I thought about the day I was sealed to my husband for time and all eternity in the Denver temple. And I thought about my very first time in the temple. And I thought all the way back to my baptism and why I was SO very excited to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My life is not bad. Sure I have encountered a few speed bumps and road blocks. I've even taken a few detours. But somehow, I always get back to where I need to be and is good!

Right now our little family is struggling..but pulling together. We'll make it through just fine. Sure we have our moments, but who doesn't? We'll work hard and with a little help (okay, maybe a lot) we will make it through stronger than we were before. After all...this journey was never intended to be easy.

So, as I sat in my room sulking wondering what was wrong with me and why does everything have to happen at once, I realized that it wasn't all bad. And could be a lot worse. And so I sang myself to sleep with a favorite hymn "Count Your Blessings". Sometimes instead of counting sheep to go to sleep I count my blessings. It usually leads me into a nice deep sleep and pleasant dreams. Life isn't perfect, but it's not so bad either.

Here's to optimism! And the happiness it brings.


  1. It is amazing how on days when we feel like there is now way to survive that our thoughts will turn to our Savior and the Gospel.
    You are right, life wasn't ment to be easy but, that is the true test of how much will we rely on our Father in heaven and his Son, Jesus Christ...He has said, I have already suffered for you, just do your best and trust in our best...I find on days when I am the lowest, if I find someone to serve (even if it is my family) I am lifted and I feel my Saviors love around me and lifting me higher than I was before the "crisis".
    Tonight you are in my be lifted, to feel a friend you have never met, being lifted also because she cares how you and your little family are doing,
    Hang in There!

  2. Jeanne, I think you are amazing! When I have a bad day I usually just sulk. That was great that you were able to count your blessings and appreciate all the good in your life and rely on the Lord. I hope things get better for you soon. Call anytime you need to talk!

  3. Well said. I wish I could be there to help you out more than I do. I hate to see you guys going through struggles. Sometimes I feel like I am struggling to keep my head out of the water and not drown in all my hardships. And in all of that I don't do well helping others stay above also. Sorry.

  4. I just wanted you to know I wash thinking about you today.
    Hope you are happy and doing ...
