Wednesday, March 4, 2009


You know when you have an (what seems to be) impossibly huge decision to make and you just can't seem to come up with the right choice?

You pray about it and think about it and maybe even discuss it with others or make a pros/cons list.

Isn't it amazing that once you finally make the decision you have a peaceful feeling inside like you've done the right thing?

Or you have a yucky feeling like maybe you haven't done the right thing.

It seems like you knew all along what to do, but just couldn't convince yourself to believe that you already knew the right choice.

I think it's just Amazing how hard we can make things on ourselves when they aren't hard at all.
You just need to have faith...
And Listen.


  1. Is there any specific decision that we're talking about here?

  2. Not really, just reflecting. The only decision I've had to make recently is to fly or drive, and I don't know if that was all that hard of a choice.
