Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm a hermit. If I didn't work outside of the home I fear I would never leave the house except to go to church and the grocery store. A big outing might be to the library or Chick-Fil-A. Fortunately, I am forced into the outside world every day. I see that there is life outside of my house. And now I am learning there is life outside of Parker.

Christian and I (and occasionally we'll let Dave come too) have been checking out some local hot spots. In the past couple of weeks we have been to the Downtown Aquarium, the Kids Expo, Washington Park, and the Children's Museum. We have also been on numerous walks, played at various parks, shopped for things we don't need and planned a few more excursions in the coming months. We've been having so much fun! We've made new friends and strengthened relationships with old friends. And I love giving Christian the opportunity to interact with kids his own age.

So, hopefully we'll keep it up. I know we won't always be able to get out every week, but for now we're enjoying time away from our tiny condo. We're a happier group to be around when we are out playing in the sunshine.

What activities do you like to do? Are you a fan of playgroups?

1 comment:

  1. With the colder weather we haven't done much (not having a second car dosen't help much either), but when the weater warms up we will go on walks, to parks and even the pool! I don't mind playgroups the problem is getting there for me!
