Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Want A Do-Over

Last weekend Christian and I flew to Salt Lake City for my sister, Maren's, mission farewell. The whole family (except Dave) was there. It was going to be so much fun! We really did have a good time. My sister, Kenzie, and I took the kids to the park on Friday. We had family pictures on Saturday and a big gathering after church on Sunday.

On Friday night Christian and I started to not feel well. I thought it was going to be just a cold. No biggy. I can still function with a cold. Unfortunately, it was much more than that. I was very sick and couldn't sleep all night. My stomach was not well, my head was terribly congested, and my whole body ached. At 6am I decided to take some medicine. It was too late. I couldn't keep it down and my body clamped up. My dad gave me a blessing. I was really worried I wasn't going to be able to be in the family pictures. But miraculously, I was well enough to get myself dressed and presentable enough for pictures. My legs were very stiff and sore making it hard and slow to walk, but I walked. My hands were mostly still clamped, but I was able to dress myself and pull my hair up. My next battle was being able to smile. I wasn't able to smile well in most of the pictures, but hopefully it was good enough. Thankfully I was able to sit in the pictures and my family helped me hold Christian. Mom and Dad said they turned out nice. I can't wait to see them.

On the way home from the pictures I was craving a hamburger, so my sister took me to BurgerKing for a kids meal. I didn't realize it until Monday, but we left my debit card there. Thankfully, nobody used it and it was still there on Monday and I was able to pick it up. That would have never happened in Denver.

On Sunday we were able to make it to church and hear Maren's talk. I was thankful Christian was good so I could hear her speak. After all, that was the whole reason we were in town. After church we had A LOT of people over to mingle and eat. I did my best to socialize, but less than an hour later I couldn't handle it anymore. Christian and I went downstairs and took a nap. Did I mention we took a nap before church too?

On Monday, we flew home. I was sad to leave, but happy to see Dave. We missed him while we were gone. And I'm told, he missed us too.

I was really looking forward to going to IKEA while in UT, but I didn't go. We didn't get to see Miranda and Kris either. But, we were able to spend time with my family and that's the part I liked the most. I barely took any pictures unlike me. I had hopes of taking a picture of Christian with each of his Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents. Oh well. Maybe for Maren's Homecoming!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm a hermit. If I didn't work outside of the home I fear I would never leave the house except to go to church and the grocery store. A big outing might be to the library or Chick-Fil-A. Fortunately, I am forced into the outside world every day. I see that there is life outside of my house. And now I am learning there is life outside of Parker.

Christian and I (and occasionally we'll let Dave come too) have been checking out some local hot spots. In the past couple of weeks we have been to the Downtown Aquarium, the Kids Expo, Washington Park, and the Children's Museum. We have also been on numerous walks, played at various parks, shopped for things we don't need and planned a few more excursions in the coming months. We've been having so much fun! We've made new friends and strengthened relationships with old friends. And I love giving Christian the opportunity to interact with kids his own age.

So, hopefully we'll keep it up. I know we won't always be able to get out every week, but for now we're enjoying time away from our tiny condo. We're a happier group to be around when we are out playing in the sunshine.

What activities do you like to do? Are you a fan of playgroups?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Contest Time!

My cousin's wife has recently started her own business. Check out her website (click logo above) to enter the contest.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


You know when you have an (what seems to be) impossibly huge decision to make and you just can't seem to come up with the right choice?

You pray about it and think about it and maybe even discuss it with others or make a pros/cons list.

Isn't it amazing that once you finally make the decision you have a peaceful feeling inside like you've done the right thing?

Or you have a yucky feeling like maybe you haven't done the right thing.

It seems like you knew all along what to do, but just couldn't convince yourself to believe that you already knew the right choice.

I think it's just Amazing how hard we can make things on ourselves when they aren't hard at all.
You just need to have faith...
And Listen.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Give A Way

I stole this from my sister-in-law, KaraLynne. Thanks for the great idea!

The first three people to respond to this post will get something made by me. My choice. For you. (I know...a little scary, but maybe fun, huh?) This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like it
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done by the end of March.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.
It may be a loaf of homemade bread. It may be a bag, a card, an apron. It may be a book, a scarf, a poem. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 3 people who do the same on your blog. The first 3 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did it will then win a Fabulous homemade something made by me! Ready, Set,....GO!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I took a week off from blogging. It's not that I didn't have anything to say, I just needed to catch up on things around the house and have time for fun things. Plus I had a sick baby and sick husband, and now I'm not feeling too hot. So, just know life is good and when I feel a little better I'll be back.