Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jeanne Needs

I found this neat idea on Lene's blog. All you do is google your name with needs at the end and list the first 10 results.

1. Jeanne needs life in Cleaveland. -- I don't think I do.

2. Jeanne needs help. -- I do need a LOT of help! I'll take it from wherever (mostly) I can get it from.

3. Jeanne needs a job NOW! -- I only need a job if it pays double what I make now.

4. Jeanne needs A Shooter Live lyrics. -- Don't even know what that is.

5. Jeanne needs more cash. -- I couldn't agree more!

6-10. Jeanne needs A Shooter lyrics by Bruce Springsteen. -- Once again..never heard of it, maybe I should look it up.

(I decided to keep going since it was 10 pages of Jeanne needs A Shooter lyrics. How boring!)

7. Jeanne needs a ride from sf to bioneers solstice afterparty Sunday. --Sure, but first I need a ride to sf.

8. Jeanne needs to go! -- I'm always up for a roadtrip. Anyone headed to Idaho?

9. Jeanne needs a hug. -- Hugs always make me feel better.

10. Did I mention Jeanne really needs A Shooter lyrics?? -- Like, REALLY badly! Can somebody please help?


  1. hehehee that is great!
    by the way...never heard of the Shooter song either!

  2. Hi! I found your blog because this meme theme is going around with my friends on Facebook. I don't realize how many people there are with my same first name until I see something like this. Have a good day!
