Saturday, May 2, 2009

Walk and Walk and Walk

You might think I'm crazy. But you probably already thought that. For a while now I've had a certain topic on my mind. Breast Cancer. I don't have any close friends or relatives that have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but several of my customers at the bank are currently fighting the battle. Thankfully, they are winning. As I've been thinking about what I can do to help I came up with a nice long list of "easy" things I could do. But then I came across the Susan G. Komen for the Cure 3 day walk. I've heard of this before and never in a million years ever thought I would/could do it. After walk 60 miles in 3 days. That's A LOT of walking! And you must raise at least $2,300.00 to participate. That's A LOT of money! Phew! Maybe I should reconsider.

Well, I did reconsider and a month later I'm still thinking about it. It won't go away. I can't get it off my mind. I've come up with a lengthy list of all the reason's I shouldn't/can't do it. So why do I still feel like I NEED to do it? I'm not gonna lie...I'm a bigger girl. I could stand to lose a lot of weight. I realize all of that walking will probably help with the weightloss goals, but that's A LOT of walking for a big girl to commit to. And A LOT of money to raise for a REALLY poor girl to commit to. And I can come up with A LOT more excuses, too.

I'm usually pretty good at talking myself out of things. And then I feel bad for not doing it in the end. And I'm really trying to not do that anymore. And my word of the year is LEARN and I could definitely learn a lot while walking. And think of all those pounds disappearing. And I'll probably make some really good friends. And it would really help my out of control blood pressure. And I really want another baby...but I need to get healthy before that's going to happen.

Do you see my dilemma? I can't make a firm decision. I don't know why it's so hard for me. So let's say I do sign up and pay my $90 for registration. And I don't end up raising enough money. Have no fear...I don't walk 60 miles, but I still raised money to help cancer research. And all is well. I'm out $90 and still skinnier from all the training. But if I don't register. I sit around the house all day and get fatter..or at best maintain..and go about my day as normal. Oh and don't forget about how I'll always wonder if I could've done it.


I'm probably going to do it. So...who wants to train with me? At least 2 miles everyday. More on the weekends/days off. I'll keep you updated on what I decide to do.

1 comment:

  1. Man I wish I lived closer. I would so do it with you! That sounds awesome. A lot of hard work, but totally worth it. And the extra pounds gone would be great too. Keep us posted and I hope you are able to do it.
