Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Picture Blog

Here is what you do: grab your camera and take at least 5 random pictures around your house. No cleaning up first, this is your house as is.

Here are some categories you could use:
  • Room that stays the cleanest
  • Work in progress
  • What someone else is doing right now
  • Favorite decor or display
  • Something that represents your current life
  • Favorite relaxing spot
  • Something hand-me-down
  • What someone else is doing right now.
My sister-in-law, KaraLynne, was kind enough to tag me for this embarrassing picture blog. I am not a good housekeeper and often let things slide. And now you can all see it for yourself. If you were to come to my house unannounced...this is some of what you would see.

Christian's room.

Our one and only bathroom/laundry room.

Our itsy, bitsy kitchen that is infested with plants.

And our living room/dining room/playroom/office.

You can tell that we live in an itsy, bitsy 950 sq ft condo. We have stuff everywhere. It is so challenging to keep it clean when you don't have a space for everything. Someday we'll have a bigger place. But for now, it works.

Sorry you had to see it, but I can't refuse a tag.
And I tag Angela M, Shalena R, Janiece B, Lene B, Kris H.

I expect pictures!


  1. your kitchen is infested with plants. call the exterminator! Jk i hear they are my brother's pets

  2. That's funny...I did my wordless wednesday about messes around my house. Does that count?
    Even with room with 5 kidlets I can't seem to keep up with it!

  3. I do have pets; all of them except for one is green. :) They are going to be much more organized in the next couple of months as I can transplant 2 into 1 pot.

    PS computer generated word:

    slitangl: A rock climber's term meaning the angle at which one has to attack a slit in the rock to make it up the face of the cliff.
