Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SPT-I Love It When You...

I love it when you stay home with Christian and let me go out for a girls day. We all know I need a break from time to time and letting me go out to a movie with a friend is all I need sometimes. Thanks for giving me a little girly time (even if I had to take your filthy, smelly truck to do so).


  1. girl time is such a gift isnt it! even if it is in a dirty smelly truck, the smell of freedom :)

  2. Good (girlie time)with the bad (smelly truck) one definitely out weighs the other. Hope you do it more often than not.

    I'm having another good smelling gift-a-way,check it out if you have some time. :D Happy Tuesday.

    That enchilada on from 1/29 looks so good!

  3. That is definitely something to love. Girl time is a necessity.

  4. Seriously, who doesn't love a GNO! What a great husband to let you have that time!

  5. My truck is not that bad! :) Love you honey!

  6. Now Ill watch this blog as well, I didnt know you had another one.

  7. Good husbands know how much we need that time with girlfriend. Love it!

  8. I really like how that time away makes them appreciate us even more, like honey, I'm so glad you're home, where is the remote?
